A Woodland Hills man was arrested early Saturday morning after allegedly causing a Malibu car accident. According to the Los Angeles Times, the Malibu accident happened on Pacific Coast Highway, after two L.A. County Sheriff deputies had just returned to their squad car from a sweep of the beach. Once in the car, the man, Mark Liebrecht, who was arrested for driving under the influence, apparently rear ended the stopped police car and pushed it down an embankment and into the ocean.
The car accident in Malibu resulted in injuries to the two sheriff deputies, who were rescued by fire personnel. The Malibu rear end car accident injuries included a serious lumbar injury to one of the officers, while the other officer sustained a shoulder injury as well as an injured clavicle.
Because the sheriff deputies were working at the time of the Pacific Coast Highway car accident, they may make a California workers compensation claim with the county of Los Angeles. In addition, they may make a Malibu personal injury claim for their injuries and damages they sustained in the Pacific Coast Highway crash. These damages will probably include extensive medical bills and loss of earnings and earning capacity for the time they are out of work recovering from their injuries.
Due to the lumbar injuries suffered by one deputy, an Orthopedic Doctor will likely need to examine the deputy to decide on a course of treatment. Serious lumbar or lower back injuries occasionally require surgical intervention. These deputies should consult with a Malibu personal injury lawyer to pursue their personal injury claims. Our personal injury law office handles Malibu accident cases.