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What Proof Is Needed That Roundup Caused My Cancer?

Will Anyone Believe That Roundup Caused My Cancer?

Yes, you will be able to make a valid case that exposures to Roundup caused your cancer. You will want to talk to a Los Angeles Roundup lawyer regarding getting the evidence and “proof” of your personal injury claim. You don’t want to try to go it alone on this one. We know what to do to help you to initiate a lawsuit based on the merits of your personal injury claim from exposure to Roundup and the cancers that it can cause.

What Proof Is Needed That Roundup Caused My Cancer?

It is going to be controversial to state that an exposure to Roundup caused your cancer, but if you have been exposed to the harsh chemicals in Roundup and did develop a cancer, you can start to put proof together to make your personal injury claim valid. You can call our legal team to talk to one of the best Los Angeles Roundup lawyer at Walch Law. Call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792. We are here to answer any questions that you may have and go over the next steps to initiate litigation regarding your Roundup cancer claim. We will help you get the medical records, dates of exposure and the diagnosis that has related to the exposure of Roundup that caused your developing a cancer from that exposure.

How Is Roundup Causing Cancer in a Person’s Body?

Roundup is made up of many different compound chemicals, including glyphosates which are used in herbicide production. Herbicides are used extensively around the world to curb weeds and keep crops under control. The problem with the active ingredients in glyphosates are that these chemicals are highly toxic to humans and animals.

When farmers are monitored for exposure to the glyphosates in Roundup, studies show that they have levels of residue of this chemical in their urine.1 This is the result of an occupational exposure of Roundup, which can cause serious illness and cancers in the human body. You can call us at our Los Angeles Roundup law firm to carefully review your personal injury claim after an exposure to the dangerous carcinogenic chemicals found in Roundup herbicide and other cancer causing agents in that product.

Besides Farming, What Other Occupations Are at a High Risk to Develop Cancer from Roundup?

This is a good question, because besides farmers, there are many other people in various occupations who are exposed to the surfactant glyphosate that is present in Roundup and other Monsanto products. If you work in any of these professions, you may experience an exposure to Roundup or glyphosate products in Roundup. Professions where you can be exposed to Roundup or the glyphosates compounds that are also found in Roundup include:

  • Cleaning or maid service
  • Farmer
  • Car mechanic
  • Agricultural jobs
  • Landscaping
  • Horticulture jobs
  • Pesticide use jobs
  • Textile factory jobs
  • Rubber factory worker
  • Woodworking worker
  • Jobs where solvents are handled
  • Jobs where jet propellants are handled
  • Hairdressing jobs
  • Metal working jobs
  • Pest exterminating jobs
  • Hospitals and clinics

You can see that the surfactants used in Roundup are also used in other professions and occupations and can cause similar exposures to cancers. We know that you will have many questions and we can help you to build and manage your case for personal injuries from Roundup and glyphosate chemical exposures that cause cancers. If you have questions regarding the worth, value or settlement procedures related to a Roundup cancer lawsuit, you need to call our law office today to talk about your concerns. We are available to take your call at Walch Law now, and you can call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792. We take all our California RoundUp lawsuit cases on a contingency fee basis so you pay us nothing unless we win…


1Weisenburger D. D. (2021). A Review and Update with Perspective of Evidence that the Herbicide Glyphosate (Roundup) is a Cause of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma. Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia, 21(9), 621–630.

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