What Happens with a Contingency Fee for Settling a Roundup Brain Cancer Lawsuit?
We are able to help you with a claim for brain cancer for exposure to Roundup herbicide toxins and chemicals. We offer that you can call us at any time to review your case with a Los Angeles Roundup lawyer today at the Walch law firm at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792. We know that you want a full settlement, and we can help you get a full monetary recovery. We work on a general contingency basis for a brain cancer Roundup lawsuit. This means that you do not have to pay us and we will take our fees out of the settlement of your final claim. It is better for you to call us today to talk to our Los Angeles Roundup law firm immediately. You have a short-term statute of limitations which will run in a two-year timeframe. That is important to note that you do not have an unlimited amount of time to bring your claim.
Brain Cancer Is Common in People Exposed to the Glyphosates in Roundup
People who are exposed to Roundup often get brain cancer and other serious neurological symptoms that show glyphosate toxins have entered the person’s body. If you have been exposed to Roundup harsh chemicals, it can detrimentally affect your brain, body and nervous system. The reason for brain disorders triggered by exposure to Roundup, are because of Roundup is known for interfering with normal brain functions, and often triggering low-grade encephalopathy with neurological disorders and mitochondrial impairments.1
This can be a devastating and unexpected diagnosis, once you have been exposed to Roundup and the glyphosate chemicals in that herbicide. Remember, there are no “safe” levels of exposure to Roundup, it is a human carcinogen, and you need to talk about your claim with us to get the monetary relief that you deserve in this case.
We Understand That You Are Not an Expert at Roundup Brain Cancer Lawsuits, But We Are Experts
We know that you will have many questions regarding the worth, value or settlement procedures related to a Roundup brain cancer lawsuit. You can call us to review your claim on a contingency fee basis and we will work with you right away. That means that you will get a full recovery for your claim and we will be paid out of the proceeds of your final settlement. It is easy to make the call to us now to review your brain cancer Roundup lawsuit.
You don’t have to worry about sorting out your case, we are here to help you with that when you call our law office today to talk about your concerns. We want to get your lawsuit, managed, settled and done and dusted, and we have the initiative and know-how to do so. It is possible for you to talk to your doctor and start getting your medical records, blood and urine tests and other pertinent information related to your claim. We are available to take your call at Walch law, and you can call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792.
1Samsel, A., & Seneff, S. (2015). Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases III: Manganese, neurological diseases, and associated pathologies. Surgical Neurology International, 6. Google Scholar.