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Articles Tagged with roundup

How much is your Los Angeles Roundup Lawsuit Worth?

The value of a California Roundup lawsuit can vary greatly depending on the specific circumstances of the case. Factors that can affect the worth of a Roundup lawsuit include:

  • The severity and extent of the plaintiff’s injuries: Roundup has been linked to various types of cancer, including non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, so plaintiffs who have developed these serious health conditions may be entitled to larger compensation amounts.

Many People Are Accidentally Poisoned by Roundup and Glyphosates Today

You can be accidentally poisoned by Roundup and glyphosates quite easily, if you are anywhere in the vicinity of where these dangerous chemicals are being administered and used in outdoor applications. Roundup is commonly used as an herbicide to manage weeds in residential and commercial settings. The herbicide Roundup is especially potent, and can be deadly if ingested or exposed to it. You can be “minding your own business” and still be exposed to glyphosates. That is because once it is unleased into the environment, it is highly toxic and can affect you if you are even exposed to it for a short amount of time. Glyphosates are dangerous in all types, and can cause serious reactions to anyone exposed to these hazardous chemicals. Many times, there will be some concern with the exposures to Roundup, in regard to know how to treat the exposed areas or to manage any poison control if the herbicide is accidentally ingested. This concern is because the formulas for glyphosates and surfactants can vary widely by manufacturer and by herbicide, it is difficult to know the exact formula that is used in any one application. Children as well as adults are susceptible to poisoning from Roundup and glyphosate use and applications in the environment.1

People are accidentally poisoned by glyphosate when it gets into their food, on their hands and they touch their mouths or food resources or it is airborne and they inhale it in contaminated environments. Anywhere that there are agricultural and industrial uses of Roundup, as well as in residential home environments where weed killers are used, there is a risk of an accidental poisoning of glyphosate. Technically, whether you are outside or inside, you can still be susceptible to being poisoned by Roundup, if it is stored in an area that you may be near, pass by, or have access to in a storage area. This can apply to an area where the chemicals are stored in a commercial or residential area. That means, if you are working in an office or near a home, you can accidentally be poisoned by someone else using Roundup and glyphosates in that environment. A person can accidentally ingest Roundup in any season, summer and winter included, when there is an improper storage of the chemicals and containers of the herbicide.

Why Does Using Roundup Increase Your Cancer Risks?

The use of the weedkiller Roundup can increase your risks of developing cancers. When Roundup is used in the soil to kill weeds around a home garden, or weeds around crops in the farmer’s fields, the residuals of the dangerous chemicals in Roundup stay in the soil to leach into the water later on. A dangerous ingredient used in Roundup is glyphosate, which is a known carcinogen to humans and animals. If you are exposed to glyphosate in any quantity environmentally you can develop symptoms and side effects from coming into contact with this highly toxic chemical. As a winning Los Angeles Roundup law firm, we can help.

Leaching of Glyphosate into Soil Can Be Affected by the Weather and Ground Conditions

What Are the Effects of Roundup on Human Health and Residuals Found in Foods?

Monsanto Roundup is a chemical weed product that is used globally to reduce weeds in crops. But when Roundup is used near crops, it can also penetrate into the foods that we eat. In those cases, the dangerous chemical of glyphosate can be found in foods, and that can cause cancers in humans. The longer term risks to ingesting glyphosates will risk cancers for people who have this chemical to seep into the foods that we all eat. That means that fruits and vegetables that are sold in produce sections of the local grocery store, can be laced with glyphosates and cause cancers over the long term in human consumers.

Pesticides if safely used can help prolong shelf life for foods and food sources for our nation. But there is a high price to pay for the use of chemical herbicides such as Roundup. Roundup is used in herbicide control both before and after the planning of crops, including rices, wheats and beans. This can help the farmers to harvest easier, with a reduced level of weeds around the crops as they grow. When there re too many weeds, it can prevent a crop from developing its full potential, and the weeds will take the light, nutrients and space around the free growing crop, reducing crop yields and lowering the price for the farmers when they harvest their crops for the markets.

What Are the Cytotoxic Properties of Glyphosate in Roundup?

The chemical glyphosate (n-(phosphonomethyl) glycine) is used as a broad-spectrum type of weed killer. It is used globally to kill unwanted plants, by disrupting the shikimic acid pathway the amino acid of a plant, preventing the binding of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to the enzymes necessary for the plant to grow. In short, it kills plants dead! The problem with the use of glyphosate is that it goes into the ground and then can be found in our food, drinking water, and can affect humans through exposure to this hazardous chemical. For this reason, glyphosates are toxic and can cause cancers such as:

 Liver cancer

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