A Sherman Oaks truck accident last night caused injuries to the occupant of the pickup truck and to the driver of another vehicle. The Sherman Oaks accident occurred at about 11:40pm when, according to the Los Angeles Times, a woman crashed into a light pole and took down the pole as well as high voltage power lines. The driver of the truck was arrested based on a suspicion of DUI.
According to Los Angeles KTLA news, a bystander heard the Sherman Oaks truck crash and helped the woman escape from her vehicle. The bystander said the woman was in shock as the truck went up in flames. The driver of another vehicle also sustained what the fire department described as minor injuries in the Sherman Oaks car accident.
Given the nature of this collision, with downed power lines and a truck fire, including a possible burn injury, it is very lucky that the injuries were not more serious. Downed power lines pose particular dangers and must always be avoided. Anyone who spots down power lines should immediately call 911 for emergency assistance.