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According to the Los Angeles Times, the California Highway Patrol has reported that there were 188 car accidents in Los Angeles County today, for the areas covered by the CHP, just between the hours of 12am and 8:00am. The increase in Los Angeles car accident incidents today is mostly due to unsafe driving in the rain. By comparison, in the same time period last week, without the rain, there were only approximately 36 Los Angeles accidents.

The CHP blamed the Los Angeles rain accidents on drivers who drive too fast for conditions. Their main advice to drivers was to slow down, when driving in the rain. While many of the accidents were just one car accidents involving a vehicle that spun out in the rain, there were some serious Los Angeles crashes, including a Glendale big rig truck accident on the 5 Freeway and a fatality accident on the 134 freeway in Toluca Lake.

The Toluca Lake car accident occurred on the westbound 134 freeway and involved at least two vehicles. Two people apparently suffered minor injuries, while a third person died at the scene of the accident.

The Glendale truck accident occurred at around two o’clock this morning, left debris over the southbound 5 Freeway and blocked the northbound lanes. The southbound lanes were not open until about 6:30am and the northbound lanes opened at approximately eight o’clock in the morning. Depending on the cause of the truck accident in Glendale, the family of the victim may be able to make a Glendale wrongful death claim against any responsible parties.

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According to the Los Angeles Times, a company called Las Vegas Railway Express, will be set to operate a train route from Southern California to Las Vegas. The “X Train” will be for adults only and will be on refurbished trains traveling from Los Angeles to Las Vegas on Thursday and Friday afternoons, and back to Los Angeles on Sundays.

This new passenger train route, which will leave from Fullerton, California, will be expected to ease traffic for those commuters who still wish to drive to and from Las Vegas. It should also cause a reduction in the amount of Nevada and California car accidents that occur each year. The route is expected to begin operations for New Years Eve in 2013.

Many California residents are very familiar with the extreme traffic during peak travel hours on Interstate 15. This new passenger train route should hopefully reduce those traffic jams. Also, with less cars on the road, the amount of car accidents should also be reduced. On the other side of the argument, when there are fewer cars on the road, sometimes cars travel faster, leading to more serious car accident injuries.

The train ride is expected to cost $99 each way, and is meant to be an extension of the Las Vegas party atmosphere. Passengers will not have to worry about drinking and driving, or driving home in traffic with a rough Las Vegas hangover.

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Although we try to stay neutral on political issues, when ballot measures involve Consumer Protection issues, as some do on the November 6, 2012, ballot, we feel an obligation to offer some information to those who are interested.

Proposition 32, limiting political contributions (which if and when done fairly across the board to limit influence peddling – or as some might say “legal bribery”) would be great, but here it is promoted or supported by just one side (huge corporations and insurance companies) who unfairly want to limit campaign contributions by their adversaries without making those limits reciprocal or equal for both sides. Regardless of your position, this should be offensive. You might wonder when those with resources might similarly try to limit you!
As those against it wrote, “Before you vote on Prop. 32, answer two questions. Would billionaires pay to place this on the ballot unless they were getting exemptions! When’s the last time a proposition backed by special interests in California didn’t contain loopholes and exemptions?”
“Real estate developers, insurance companies and billionaire venture capitalists are just three groups EXEMPT from provisions of Proposition 32, while a union will no longer be able to contribute to candidates. In addition, huge corporate special interests can continue to spend unlimited money on politics.”

Where are the checks and balances? Where is the fairness? Who will be there to assist you when those with resources try to limit you or their opposition?

Proposition 33, which attempts to change current law to allow insurance companies to set rates based on whether the applicant-driver previously carried insurance with an insurance company, is simply a trick to charge some Californians more for auto insurance. Proposition 33 reportedly is funded 99% by one insurance company billionaire who claims he wants to save drivers money on their insurance. “When was the last time an insurance company executive spent $8 million on a ballot initiative to save you money?”

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A Los Angeles car accident on Tuesday caused injuries to the rapper and entertainer knows as Diddy. According to The Sun, the car accident in Los Angeles occurred near the Beverly Hills hotel, on Sunset Boulevard. Diddy suffered injuries to his neck, ribs and collarbone.

Celebrity news site “TMZ” has reported that the Beverly Hills car accident occurred when a Lexus made a left turn in front of Diddy’s Cadillac Escalade. The Escalade was apparently unable to stop in time and t-boned the Lexus. Reports indicate that Diddy was being driven by a chauffer at the time of the Los Angeles crash. The police who were called said Diddy’s driver, Diddy, and the driver of the Lexus all sustained injuries in the left turn accident.

Apparently, Diddy did not leave the scene of the accident by ambulance. However, he did seek medical care and treatment for his car accident injuries.

Sometimes, auto insurance companies will try to negate a person’s injuries by making the argument that the person did not leave the scene of the crash in an ambulance, so the injuries must not be that bad. However, this is a misguided and unfair argument. Frequently, the effects of an automobile collision are not fully felt right away. Often, this is because accident victims often get a rush of adrenaline after a crash. They may be happy to just be alive, or more worried about others, and not realize the true extent of their own pain and injuries. Because of this, many accident victims will often tell the police, paramedics or 911 operators that they were not injured in a crash.

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In an attempt to try to reduce California car accidents in the future, self-driving cars are now allowed on California roads. Jerry Brown, the governor of California, just signed a bill that allows the testing of self-driving cars on California streets.

Yesterday, Gov. Brown, at a ceremony held at Google’s headquarters located in Mountain View California, signed into law, SB1298, which establishes guidelines for “autonomous vehicles” to be tested and operated on California roads. The bill was sponsored by State Senator Alex Padilla (Democrat from Pacoima). According to the Los Angeles Times, Senator Padilla said, “We are stepping on the accelerator when it comes to the Google Car.”

It is well known that the cause of most car and other motor vehicle accidents is human error. It is believed that “autonomous car technology” can reduce the number of accidents and, therefore, the number of injuries and deaths on California roads.

Google, Inc. co-founder Sergey Brin stated, “These vehicles have the potential to avoid accidents … We can save lives, create jobs and reduce congestion. I expect the self-driving cars will be far safer than human driven cars.”

This project is not exclusively Google’s. Caltech and others also have been working to develop cars that use radar, video cameras and lasers to safely navigate roads and safely operate in traffic conditions without any human assistance. Their contention is that these computer-controlled vehicles should eventually drive more safely than human operators.

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Trader Joe’s Creamy Salted Valencia Peanut Butter has been linked to 29 cases of salmonella illnesses over 18 states. As a result, and in an effort to protect the public and avoid further Trader Joe’s food poisoning, the Trader Joe’s grocery store chain is recalling this peanut butter and the public is warned not to consume the Trader Joe’s peanut butter.

The Los Angeles Times reported today that the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stated that Trader Joe’s Creamy Salted Valencia Peanut Butter, which is sold nationwide, is the likely source of this problem. It is also reported that these two (2) government agencies are investigating as to whether any other items sold at this chain could be contaminated.

Salmonella or salmonellosis is also referred to as “food poisoning”. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Salmonellosis is an infection with bacteria called Salmonella. Most persons infected with Salmonella develop diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps 12 to 72 hours after infection. The illness usually lasts 4 to 7 days, and most persons recover without treatment. However, in some persons, the diarrhea may be so severe that the patient needs to be hospitalized.” This infection is more dangerous to children, the elderly and those with a weak immune system.

Not surprisingly, as the infection is linked to eating peanut butter, more than three-fourths of those who became infected are under 18 years of age.

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A 30 year old man was killed this morning in a multi-vehicle freeway car accident in Glendale, California. According to the La Cañada Flintridge Patch, the Glendale car accident occurred on the 134 Freeway, at around seven o’clock in the morning. The California Highway Patrol reported that the man died at the scene of the Glendale freeway accident.

This multi-vehicle car accident caused the closure of three lanes of traffic on the Ventura Freeway and resulted in serious traffic delays from Monrovia to Burbank. The CHP is still investigating the cause of this Glendale freeway crash. Various witness accounts of the accident and of the aftermath have claimed that the car was overturned after the crash. A person who said she was in another car and witnessed the accident has claimed to have seen the deceased driver swerving before the collision.

It is always important however to look very carefully at witness statements. Sometimes, witnesses can have a bias. Other times, witnesses think that they recall something, but actually remember it quite differently from how it happened.

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A Metro Blue Line train collided with a Los Angeles city bus this morning at about 7:00 a.m., resulting in injuries to 48 passengers of the train and bus. The Los Angeles train crash occurred near downtown Los Angeles, at the intersection of San Pedro Street and Washington Boulevard.

According to the Los Angeles Times, the train was traveling south on San Pedro while the bus was going westbound on Washington. The Los Angeles Fire Department reported that the train did not derail after it collided with the bus. The bus sustained major damage in the Los Angeles train accident and also knocked over a traffic signal.

The bus involved in the crash was an MTA bus, line #51, which, according to a transportation official, was traveling from Wilshire and Figueroa to its destination at the Artesia Transit Center. It was reported that 40 bus passengers were being treated for their bus accident injuries, while eight train passengers were also being treated. The injuries were reported as minor for the bus and train riders.

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Two women were fatally electrocuted after a Valley Village car accident on Thursday, August 23, 2012, when the first went to help the injured driver of a car accident and the second when she went to help the first woman. Several others reportedly suffered less serious electrical burn injuries and are expected to make a full recovery.

Apparently, the driver, a 19 year old from Glendale, driving a sports utility vehicle (SUV), lost control of his vehicle, possibly due to high speed, when traveling through the intersection of Magnolia Boulevard and Ben Avenue, striking a concrete light standard and fire hydrant with such force to knock them both over. This created a dangerous and deadly combination as water quickly pooled into the intersection, causing the wrongful death of two good Samaritans and severe injuries to others who were electrocuted and burned.

One passerby, Irma Zamora, reportedly called 911 then rushed from her vehicle and ran to assist the driver of the SUV. Unbeknownst to her, the water in the intersection was electrified and when she stepped into the water she was immediately electrocuted to death. The fire department estimated that her wrongful death was caused by approximately 48,000 volts of electricity. According to the Los Angeles Times, Mrs. Zamora, age 40, of Burbank, Los Angeles County, was known as one to help others. According to family members, her selfless action was typical.

Another woman, not yet identified, also died when, as she tried to help Mrs. Zamora and touched her, she also was electrocuted to death. Reportedly, at least six (6) others, including the driver of the SUV and a Los Angeles police officer, were electrocuted, severely injured and required hospitalization.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa visited the Valley Village traffic collision site, praising the two good Samaritans as heroes. He also reminded others to carefully assess such situations before rushing into them and to wait for professionals to arrive.
One former resident of Valley Village who is very knowledgeable about car accidents and electricity, R. Freeman, advised that after a car accident one should never go near pooled water when there is a damaged electrical device, such as a damaged power pole, that could possibly electrify the pooled water and, in fact, one should move far away as quickly as possible and wait for the fire department to handle the situation.

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An El Monte car accident today has resulted in the death of at least two people. According to the Los Angeles Times, an unknown number of other people were trapped in their cars after the El Monte accident on the 60 freeway. The freeway accident occurred on the 60 freeway, eastbound, where it interchanges with the 605 freeway.

According to the California Highway Patrol, three or more lanes of the 60 freeway eastbound were blocked off due to the El Monte car accident. This resulted in a large traffic backup for commuters. The interchange from the 605 south to the 60 east also became blocked due to this multi-vehicle freeway accident.

Official details on the cause of this car accident in El Monte are still pending. The California Highway Patrol would only release the fact that two people had been confirmed dead.

When more details as to the cause of this crash are revealed, the families of the deceased may be able to pursue an El Monte wrongful death claim against any responsible parties. As of now, it is unknown if other parties caused the deaths of these wrongful death victims. If another car is determined to be at fault, that driver’s insurance company may be responsible for wrongful death damages, to the heirs of the deceased.

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