Yesterday afternoon, Monday, April 15, 2013, two bombs exploded during the Boston Marathon, reportedly killing three and injuring more than 170. Some of those injured are critical, many reportedly losing limbs and suffering shrapnel and other serious injuries.
With over half a million present and twenty thousand runners from over 100 nations, the casualties certainly could have been far greater, but that is no comfort to those tragically affected by this horrific act of terrorism. Those responsible have not been arrested or identified, and presently there is no information whether those responsible are foreign or domestic. Regardless, this act, the first apparent successful act of terrorism against a city in the United States since Sept 11th, is one committed by cowards against innocent, defenseless people participating in what was to be a wonderful day of excitement, exercise and celebration.
Initially a 15 block area was closed off to assist investigators with the crime scene and this morning the Police Commissioner announced it has already been reduced to 12 blocks, with further reductions planned. Although the crime scene area is closed off, city official have stated there is a heavy police presence at public areas, such as Logan Airport, where traffic had been suspended, and city subway stations, and urged the public to come into Boston.