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A motorcyclist was killed last Wednesday when he was hit by a van in Brentwood, California. The driver of the van did not stop to render aid or identify him or herself after the collision and has not yet been identified. According to the Los Angeles Times, the victim of this hit and run accident was Ehsan Fazel, who lived in Woodland Hills, California.

Apparently, this Brentwood motorcycle accident occurred when Fazel was lane splitting, which is when motorcyclists ride between lanes of cars. Lane splitting is a common act done by motorcyclists and it is not illegal in California, as long as it can be done safely. The California Highway Patrol advises that lane splitting, also known as lane sharing, is neither specifically allowed, nor prohibited, under California law.

This Brentwood accident happened on Sunset Boulevard, near Kenter Avenue. The driver of the white van continued on Sunset Boulevard and was not identified. Anyone with any information on the accident, including a possible license plate for the van, should call the LAPD right away at 213-473-0234.

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A 23 year old man, named Jerome De La Cruz Castro, was killed today in a tragic car accident in Simi Valley on Highway 118. The crash occurred a little after five in the morning today when Castro, according to the Ventura County Star, lost control of his car, possibly due to rain, hit a guard rail on the 118 freeway and came to a stop in the far left lane.

Apparently, Mr. Castro got out of the car and was standing near it when another vehicle, driven by a woman who has not yet been identified, struck Castro’s car, causing his car to hit Castro and kill him. The California Highway Patrol said the crash occurred on the westbound 118 freeway, east of Keuhner Drive. This area of freeway has a curve and goes downhill.

It was not reported whether the woman sustained any injuries in this Simi Valley car accident. We wish our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Jerome De La Cruz Castro, who lived in North Hollywood, California. We also feel that Mr. Castro’s family should hire an experienced California wrongful death lawyer to examine the facts of this situation and determine if there is any liability for wrongful death damages. There may be a claim against the insurance of the woman who struck Castro’s vehicle, if it can be determined that she did something wrong, such as driving too fast for the conditions, or texting and not paying attention to the road.

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A Metrolink train accident in Oxnard this morning has caused many serious injuries to the occupants of the train, including the conductor. The accident apparently occurred after a produce or farm equipment truck got stuck on the railway and was struck by the commuter train. The Metrolink accident occurred near the intersection of East 5th Street and South Rice Avenue in Oxnard, Ventura County, California.

According to the Ventura County Star, after the train accident, authorities were able to locate the driver of the truck between one and two miles from the location of the train crash. The driver was not placed under arrest, but was taken in for questioning. Fortunately, it appears that the train was equipped with new safety “crash energy management” system that may have prevented much more serious injuries or deaths from this crash.

As of now, it appears that the driver of the truck turned onto the tracks, while pulling a trailer, and became stuck on the tracks. By the time the train engineer applied the brakes, it was too late as the heavy train, which was traveling approximately 79 miles per hour, according to the Los Angeles Times, needed more time to stop.

The Metrolink train was traveling to downtown Los Angeles and had five cars with 51 total passengers. 28 passengers were reportedly taken to the hospital right after the incident.

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Additional information has been learned in follow-up to our blog post of February 6, 2015, titled “Celebrity Bruce Jenner Involved In Fatal Malibu Car Accident”, about the tragic four (4) car traffic accident on PCH in Malibu resulting in multiple injuries and one wrongful death.  Los Angeles County Sheriff Sgt. Philip Brooks told the Los Angeles Times a Prius driving north on PCH in Malibu either slowed down or stopped and was rear ended by an elderly lady in a Lexus.  Bruce Jenner, in a black Cadillac Escalade SUV, while pulling another vehicle, then allegedly rear-ended the Lexus.  This caused the Lexus to propell into the southbound lanes of oncoming traffic, where it was struck by a Hummer.

As a result of this impact or series of impacts the lady driving the Lexus died at the scene of these collisions.  Authorities declined to identify the lady driving the Lexus who was so tragically killed in this accident.  The Lexus reportedly sustained major damage to both its rear and front ends.

It also was reported that Bruce Jenner was given a field sobriety test which he passed and also took a blood alcohol test with unknown results at the time of publication of the Times article.

In such multiple car collisions liability may be shared among various parties.  For example, in this incident, the reason for the Toyota Prius either slowing or stopping will need to be reviewed to see if any vehicle code was violated or if it constituted any unsafe, dangerous or negligent conduct by the driver of the Toyota Prius or anyone else.

Next, the lady driving the Lexus reportedly rear ended the Prius, so there will be issues regarding driving at a safe distance, speed, inattention and other factors to consider.

Regarding Bruce Jenner, there will be the same issues to consider:  driving at a safe distance, speed, inattention and other factors.

Also, the investigation will look into the actions of the driver of the Hummer, who was driving south on PCH, to determine whether he contributed to causing the collision, such as whether he was traveling too fast for conditions, inattention (such as using a mobile cell device while driving), and was unable to take reasonable evasive actions that might have been taken to prevent this incident or lessen its severity.

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About 2 hours ago, TMZ is reporting that Bruce Jenner was involved in a fatal rear end car accident in Malibu. According to TMZ, Jenner apparently told police that the Malibu wrongful death car accident occurred when he was fleeing from paparazzi who were chasing him. Jenner’s vehicle apparently rear ended another vehicle. That white car apparently was pushed into oncoming traffic, where it was struck by a Hummer. The driver of the white vehicle tragically perished in this multi car accident in Malibu.

Bruce Jenner is a well known United States olympian who won the gold medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Summer Olympics. He later gained additional fame as the step father to the Kardashian sisters, in the well-known reality television show “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.” Jenner is also the father of Brandon, Brody, Kendall and Kylie Jenner. Bruce Jenner has gained additional fame recently as reports have suggested that he has been undergoing the process of having a sex change. The Kardashian family has a home in Calabasas, California.

According to TMZ, Bruce Jenner was subjected to a field sobriety test at the scene of the Malibu accident, which he reportedly passed. A total of eight people were apparently involved in the crash and might have sustained injuries, including the one fatality.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), an independent educational and scientific nonprofit organization dedicated to reduce losses due to deaths, injuries and property damage from car accidents on our highways and roads, reported that there was a huge improvement from its last study in 2008 from 48 driver deaths per million registered vehicle years to just 28 for 2011 model year vehicles (registered vehicle year means one car registered for one year).

Drivers in the United States are now less likely to be killed in car and other vehicle accidents due to better car safety systems coupled with the increasing use of restraining systems – that is seat belts and shoulder straps.

Further, mid-size and large autos had much fewer driver fatalities than small and mini-sized vehicles, according to the IIHS.

The daughter of our friend and client was seriously injured in a car accident on the 10 freeway, also known as the San Bernardino Freeway, on Christmas morning. The accident happened at about 7:30am on December 25, 2014, when a sports utility vehicle ran the other vehicle off the road and into the center divider of the freeway.
The driver of the SUV did not stop to render aid or identify him/herself at the scene of the crash and thus far has not been located. We ask that if you or anyone you know witnessed this accident on the San Bernardino Freeway that you please either contact the California Highway Patrol at 1-800-TELLCHP or our personal injury law office toll free at 1-866-465-8792.

The driver of the 1998 Nissan Sentra suffered very serious injuries when her vehicle was ran into the center divider and she needs all the help you can give. If you have any information on this accident on the 10 freeway, especially a license plate number or any identifying information on the driver of the SUV, please call the CHP or our office right away.

Congratulations to the Continental Evangelism Center Church, known as Iglesias CEC, on its wonderful 28th year grand anniversary celebration!

The senior pastor, Dr. Joel Gomes, and his family, along with the whole ICEC congregation, commemorated on November 14, 15 and 16, 2014 with an extravagant event for the entire community. Some photos of this event can be viewed below.

The celebration began Friday night with the women presenting a parade of flags of the many countries represented in the church. They also danced in folkloric clothes demonstrating the Latin and Hispanic culture.​​
The commemoration continued Saturday night with talent-filled music by Pastor Isaac Gomes, the House of Praise Band, and an exciting urban performance by the CEC Dance Team.

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Three girls were tragically killed on Friday night when they were struck by a speeding vehicle while trick or treating. According to, the Santa Ana accident occurred when the three girls, all aged thirteen years old, were hit by a vehicle that was speeding. Two male occupants of the vehicle apparently fled the scene, but were followed by a witness. Eventually, the two men left the Honda CRV and fled the scene by foot.

The speed limit at the location of this Santa Ana wrongful death was 25 miles per hour, but apparently the vehicle might have been going approximately 50 miles per hour when it struck the girls. The Santa Ana Police Department is investigating this case and searching for the men responsible. We can only hope that the registration on the vehicle matches up with the driver, so that the driver can be brought to justice.

In many of these types of incidents, the driver of the vehicle is intoxicated, with alcohol and/or drugs, and decides that it would be better to flea the scene than to be found intoxicated at the scene. Hopefully the driver and other occupant of the vehicle will see the error in their ways and turn themselves in immediately.

A person with the username “habloconleche” recently posted a reddit video of some of the things seen, including many near car accidents, while driving around Los Angeles. The short video, which can be seen on laist, is shot from a dashcam in front of the vehicle and shows some of the many dangerous and unsafe maneuvers that many Los Angeles drivers attempt on the roads and freeways.

Sometimes these cars, vans and trucks are driving in emergency lanes to save time and others are changing lanes or doing other unsafe turning movements without properly signaling their intent to other drivers. This video shows some of the risky behavior of certain drivers and why it is always necessary to be on alert when driving around Los Angeles.

After watching the video, it is amazing that none of the dangerous and often illegal maneuvering directly led to any Los Angeles car accidents occurring in front of this driver. The driver does note, however, an intention to keep videotaping and posting videos of these dangerous actions.

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