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A California wrongful death accident that occurred on the Pacific Coast Highway in Huntington Beach, California resulted in the death of three people and the arrest of a San Clemente woman, Bani Duarte, on suspicion of driving while intoxicated at the time of the crash.

ABC 7 News reported that the crash occurred just after 1 a.m. when the driver of a white Hyundai drove into the back of a red Toyota that was stopped at a red light. According to the current investigation, the red Toyota was at a complete stop, and there is no evidence that the white Hyundai even attempted to stop.  Continue Reading

Four adults and a child were injured when a second-floor balcony collapsed in South Los Angeles accident. The balcony collapse occurred around 5:20 pm at a fourplex near the 4600 block of South Wall Street.

According to NBC4 News, 10 people were evaluated for injuries after the collapse. Ultimately, three women, one man, and a young girl were taken to the hospital for treatment. Their injuries were reported to be moderate and, luckily, were not considered life threatening.  Continue Reading

Uber has made what some may consider to be a very smart business decision, by settling the wrongful death claim for the family of the pedestrian who was struck by the Uber autonomous vehicle on March 18, 2018. According to CNN, the family hired an attorney and made a settlement with Uber, so that parties could avoid a possible wrongful death lawsuit.

Uber has not commented on the wrongful death claim against them and the family’s attorney basically only said that the matter has been resolved. Understandably, the family of the wrongful death victim deserves to have its privacy. Terms of the settlement have not been disclosed, but we can assume that the family agreed to keep everything confidential, so as not to set a precedent against Uber.  Continue Reading

Joseph Testone, Jr., who was the passenger in a Maserati involved in a Long Beach car accident on Friday, unfortunately died from his injuries from this accident. According to NBC News, Testone, who was a resident of Idaho, was pronounced dead at the scene of the impact.

The driver of the Maserati, who is a man from Long Beach, aged 54, suffered very serious injuries in the accident and has been listed in critical condition in the hospital. The accident apparently occurred when the driver, who was possibly going too fast, lost control of the Maserati and crashed into a tree, which cut the vehicle completely into two. The driver was ejected from the vehicle.  Continue Reading

A bus accident in East Los Angeles this morning, involving two buses, resulted in at least 13 people being transported to the hospital. The Los Angeles bus accident occurred on the 10 Freeway.

While details of the accident are still developing, ABC News reports that, the Los Angeles Fire Department says that a car left the roadway, hit a tree and went into traffic lanes. After that, a Greyhound bus on its way to Los Angeles struck a Foothill Transit commuter bus. The incident occurred at about 10:30am on the 10 Freeway near Soto Street.”

In the aftermath of the crash, 40 people were assessed for possible injuries, and 13 people were sent to hospitals in the area.

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While rain in Southern California is certainly much needed, it also causes wet roads that can make driving more dangerous. Heavy rain decreases visibility on busy roads which, when combined with slick conditions, can lead to more Los Angeles car accidents.

In light of the recent storms, the Los Angeles Daily News recommends 5 things drivers can do to stay safe and avoid a Los Angeles car accidentContinue Reading

An Uber self-driving autonomous vehicle tragically caused the wrongful death of a pedestrian on Sunday. According to CNN, the Uber wrongful death accident happened in Tempe, Arizona, where Uber has been testing its autonomous vehicle technology. This particular accident involved a Volvo XC90 SUV, which struck a pedestrian.

The Uber pedestrian accident occurred when Elaine Herzberg, a pedestrian who was walking her bike across the street, was struck and killed by the Uber SUV. Ms. Herzberg was 49 years old and passed away due to the impact with the SUV. Preliminary reports indicate that the SUV appeared to be going about 40 miles per hour in an area where the speed limit was 35 miles per hour.  Continue Reading

Los Angeles is known for its busy roads and good weather. These two things combined mean many people opt to ride a bicycle for transportation. While a bicycle can be a great option for getting around the city, it can also be dangerous—with so much traffic in the Los Angeles area, it means increased chances you could get hurt as a result of a bicycle accident.

Bicycle accidents can result in serious injuries. When the collision is with a car, there can be severe injuries that require medical attention and hospital stays. As result of a serious bike accident, you could be facing not only immediate medical expenses, but also expenses for physical therapy to assist in your recovery as well as loss of earnings if your injury requires you to miss work. You should be compensated for these expenses. An experienced California personal injury lawyer can help you maximize your recovery from the other party’s insurance or, if needed, help you file a Los Angeles personal injury lawsuit against the person who caused the accident. Continue Reading

A Lake Elsinore man, David Loperena, turned himself in to Riverside County Police in connection with a hit and run collision that killed a 10-year-old boy. NBC News reported that 10-year-old Antonio Ochoa was crossing the street in a crosswalk near his home in Lake Elsinore with his mother and sister. The driver of a red truck ran a stop sign and hit Antonio, carrying his body 25 yards down the road. Officers attempted to search for surveillance video of the red truck in the area following the accident, but were unsuccessful.

Investigators arrested Loperena, the alleged driver, after he turned himself in for fleeing from the scene of the wrongful death pedestrian accident.  Tragically, there are many serious hit and run accidents throughout California that involve the wrongful death of pedestrians. A moment of negligence or recklessness can lead to the premature death of an unsuspecting pedestrian. Continue Reading

According to the Los Angeles Times, a 23-year-old Pasadena man, Christopher Lopez, was driving home with his wife and daughter when a boulder, thrown from an overpass, smashed through the windshield of their car. Lopez, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was struck by the 35-pound boulder. His wife rushed him to the hospital in Glendale, where Lopez died from the impact.

The California Highway Patrol believes that the incident that lead to this California wrongful death was an intentional act. Lt. Chuck Geletko of the CHP stated, “This was an innocent family driving home. Because of a careless person or persons, their lives will forever be changed.” Officers are asking for help from the public to locate the person who threw the boulder from the overpass.  Continue Reading

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