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A Van Nuys pedestrian accident this week caused the death of veterinary nurse, Pamela Ramos. According to ABC 7 News, 27-year-old Ramos was out walking her neighbor’s dog when she was fatally struck by a black Camaro.

The Van Nuys pedestrian accident occurred in the early morning hours, around 2:45 a.m. Ramos was crossing the street when the black Camaro, traveling north on Burnet Avenue, hit her. The driver called 911 and stayed at the scene to cooperate with officers. Officers at the scene said the neighbor’s dog was not hurt in the incident.

Ramos’ brother stated, “my sister was a very loving person, she loved animals, she would help others before helping herself, a very genuine person.” The investigation into what happened in this early morning accident is ongoing. At this point, investigators do not believe the driver was speeding or under the influence, however they will continue to work to determine the cause. We offer our condolences to the Ramos family for their loss.

According to the Orange County Register, on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 3, 2018, at around 3:19 p.m., a passenger van carrying nine students crashed into a tree, injuring the students inside. The van was taking the children to paddle board activity at Baby Beach as part of an after-school program, not connected with the school. As the van was coming down the Cove Road hill in Dana Point, the brakes on the van went out.

The driver of the van was uninjured but was extremely distressed about what happened. When the brakes gave out, she did her best to steer the van down the hill while honking at other drivers to avoid collision. The car finally stopped at the bottom of the hill when it hit a tree. The students in the car ranged from 9-12 years old and all nine suffered personal injuries in the collision. Five students in the van were seriously injured and were immediately taken to Mission Medical Center.

Luckily, none of the children suffered life-threatening injuries in this Orange County car accident. Currently, it appears that the cause of the accident was mechanical failure of the brakes. The families of the students who suffered personal injuries in this accident should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer immediately who can help them make a personal injury claim to receive compensation for their injuries.

A young student walking to Pacific High School was killed after being hit by a speeding car in San Bernardino, California. The student, Jade Maldonado, was only 14 years old. The San Bernardino hit-and-run accident occurred in the morning before school, just after 7 a.m., as she was walking to class.

According to the San Bernardino Sun, Jade was crossing in a marked crosswalk when she was hit by a car that immediately fled the scene. The car was described as a Tan 2000-2004 GMC SUV. The vehicle was traveling approximately 40-50 mph when Jade was hit.

Jade was taken to Loma Linda University Medical Center. Doctors performed surgery in attempts to save her, but Jade passed away later that day. The school district released a statement offering their condolences and letting parents and students know that school counselors are available to speak with students struggling because of this tragic accident. Police ask anyone with information about this hit-and-run accident to contact them immediately at 909-383-4247.

A tragic San Diego electrical accident caused the wrongful death of a local landscaper who was trimming a pine tree. Moises Hernandez Sr., owner of his own tree-trimming and landscaping company, often volunteered at a local church by maintaining its grounds. According to The Coast News, Hernandez was trimming a large pine tree near the church when his metal tool came in contact with a San Diego Gas & Electric Wire, instantly electrocuting Hernandez.

Hernandez was hit with a shock of 12,000-volts that resulted in his wrongful death. Police reports stated “the church’s caretaker called 911 after hearing a ‘loud buzzing’ noise.” The first responders found Hernandez, unresponsive in the tree. SDG&E had to be called to cut power to lines touching the tree before Hernandez could be rescued.  It took SDG&E three hours to get trucks to the scene to cut power—Hernandez was ultimately pronounced dead before he was removed from the tree. Continue Reading

25-year-old Granada Hills resident, Matthew Fielding, was killed Sunday morning, September 16, 2018 in a Los Angeles motorcycle accident. This motorcycle accident occurred in the Newhall Pass on the southbound side of the 5 freeway, around 11:10 a.m. According to the Los Angeles Daily News, the motorcycle and a 2002 BMW collided on the freeway.

As a result of the crash, “Fielding was ejected from his motorcycle and landed on the southbound truck lanes,” police reported. The driver and passenger in the BMW were uninjured. Due to the motorcycle accident fatality, the investigating officers closed the southbound truck lanes on the 5 freeway for four hours. Continue Reading

Just before midnight on Tuesday, September 12, 2018, a white BMW crashed into an apartment building in a Los Angeles County car accident. The car accident that occurred near Golden Springs Drive and Diamond Bar Boulevard in Diamond Bar, killed two of the three male passengers. The third passenger survived the crash, but was sent to the hospital in critical condition.

According to CBS Los Angeles News, police say the BMW was “traveling at 100 mph whit it hit a curb, went airborne and hit the apartment building.” Pictures of the vehicle show that the car was completely destroyed as a result of the accident. Continue Reading

Although it’s only September, amusement parks in Southern California have already started celebrating the holiday season. Parks like Disneyland, Universal Studios, and Knott’s Berry Farm are currently decked out in Halloween décor and urging guests to come experience the spooky charm. Halloween festivities will be followed by Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations at the park.

With the added attraction of seeing the park decorated and experiencing the holiday charm, more and more people are visiting the parks. While amusement parks can be a lot of fun, is also true that amusement parks can be locations that result in personal injuries or wrongful deathsContinue Reading

Earlier this month, two boats out on the Colorado River, in an area north of Lake Havasu, on the California and Arizona border, collided sending all passengers into the water. The first boat carried 10 people, while the second boat carried six passengers.

Just after the collision, good Samaritans boating nearby helped to pull several of the boat crash victims out of the water. As emergency response teams got to the area, two victims were airlifted to a Las Vegas hospital. The seven others injured in the boating accident were taken to local medical centers. Continue Reading

According to KTLA News, a small plane carrying a flight instructor and a 12-year-old boy crashed at Whiteman Airport on Monday September 4, 2018. Just after takeoff, the small plane experienced an unknown problem and radioed an emergency before it crashed into a building upside down and erupted into flames.

The Los Angeles Fire Department responded to the scene and were able to pull both the instructor and the young passenger from the plane. Both were taken to nearby trauma centers—the pilot suffered cardiac arrest and passed away at the hospital, while the boy was in critical condition.  Continue Reading

Marcus Kowal, a mixed martial arts fighter, is pushing for stricter drunk driving laws after his 15-month-old son Liam was hit and killed by a drunk driver. According to CBS News, the accident occurred two years ago when Liam’s aunt was pushing him in his stroller.

Donna Marie Higgins, who was driving under the influence, struck Liam and his aunt while they were crossing a crosswalk. The young Liam was discovered without a pulse, and after three days was taken off life support. Higgins was later sentenced to 6 years in prison because she was driving under the influence of prescription drugs and alcohol at the time of the accident.  Continue Reading

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