“The Dodgers are World Series Champions.” Six (6) words repeated by Los Angeles Times columnist Bill Plaschke on the front page of the main section today. Plaschke also colorfully wrote, “The 31-year drought is over, the heavens have opened, and all over Los Angeles its raining blue.
I was fortunate enough to be at the games in 1988 (the last time our Dodgers won the World Series), and this time during the coronavirus pandemic my father and I watched together at his home. This year the World Series was played at a neutral field, Globe Life Field, a huge new stadium with a retractable roof, 1400 miles away in Texas, before a socially distanced crowd limited to only 11,437 fans.
We wondered at the choice of Tony Gonsolin to start the game, as we (and many others) wondered about many pitching decisions of Dodger manager, Dave “Doc” Roberts, during their most recent three (3) World Series, including losses to Houston and Boston.