PERSONAL INJURY LAW for OVER 45 YEARS! We Have Won Over 98% of Our Cases*

“The Dodgers are World Series Champions.”   Six (6) words repeated by Los Angeles Times columnist Bill Plaschke on the front page of the main section today.   Plaschke also colorfully wrote, “The 31-year drought is over, the heavens have opened, and all over Los Angeles its raining blue.

I was fortunate enough to be at the games in 1988 (the last time our Dodgers won the World Series), and this time during the coronavirus pandemic my father and I watched together at his home.   This year the World Series was played at a neutral field, Globe Life Field, a huge new stadium with a retractable roof, 1400 miles away in Texas, before a socially distanced crowd limited to only 11,437 fans.

We wondered at the choice of Tony Gonsolin to start the game, as we (and many others) wondered about many pitching decisions of Dodger manager, Dave “Doc” Roberts, during their most recent three (3) World Series, including losses to Houston and Boston.

On Thursday, October 22, 2020, DUI and manslaughter charges were filed as a result of the August 22, 2020, crash involving vehicles operated by Issac Valentino De Luna and  decedent, Ben Romayor.

Reportedly, at about 6:30 a.m., on August 22, 2020, a  2017 BMW car allegedly driven by Issac Valentino De Luna, age 20, collided head on with a 1995 Ford vehicle, driven by Ben Romayor, age 68, on Harris Grade Road, south of Burton Mesa Boulevard, according to California Highway Patrol Officer Kelly Valdez.   This was an alcohol involved vehicle crash that resulted in the wrongful death of vehicle operator, Ben Romayor.

The other driver, Issac Valentino De Luna, from Lompoc, was charged with DUI and manslaughter charges, that is driving under the influence of alcohol causing injury or death to another, and driving while having a blood alcohol content of 0.08% or more, causing injury or death to another, according to Santa Barbara County Chief Deputy District Attorney Mag Nicola.

Motorcycle accident collisions often result in the most serious or catastrophic injuries, sometimes even wrongful death as occurred at about 3:20 pm, Monday, October 12, 2020, when motorcyclist Arthur Maloles was involved in a collision with a SUV in Torrance California.

On Tuesday, authorities from the Coroner’s office and the Torrance Police Department identified the deceased motorcyclist as Arthur Maloles, age 44, of Winnetka, California.  Mr. Maloles apparently died at the scene of the collision, located at Hawthorne and Lomita Boulevards, in Torrance.

It was reported that Mr. Maloles was travelling on a motorcycle northbound on Hawthorne Boulevard, near Lomita Boulevard, when a Ford Escape vehicle, allegedly traveling southbound on Hawthorne Boulevard made a left turn in front of Mr. Maloles, causing Mr. Maloles and the motorcycle he was operating to collide with the Ford Escape vehicle, according to Sgt. Alexander Martinez of the Torrance Police Department.

Many victims of abuse by Boy Scout leaders are confused about what to do, especially in view of the Boy Scouts of America filing for bankruptcy with a bankruptcy claim deadline fast approaching on November 16, 2020.  While sometimes dates may change or be extended, especially because of the Corona virus pandemic and the vast reach of the Boy Scouts, if you were a victim you should file your claim now to avoid any time issues.   If after reading this article you have any further questions or need legal guidance, please call us at 1 866 INJURY 2 or 818.222.3400 or simply use our contact link.   Remember, with our injury law firm there is NO charge for the consultation-it is absolutely FREE!

Over the years we are approached often by victims of serious accidents, usually it’s a family member of someone killed in an accident with a wrongful death accident claim, but too often its AFTER the time deadline often called the statute of limitations.

In California for most injury accidents the time deadline is two (2) years from the date of incident [which is double the time and certainly is better than the one (1) year time deadline when our law firm started our personal injury and wrongful death practice in the 1970s, causing some injured claimants to be left without a remedy if they did not settle or file suit within this short one (1) year time period and it also caused more litigation since too often only a one year time period is just not sufficient time to resolve for the best amount a serious injury or wrongful death accident claim].  In California there are other time deadlines, including if a government entity is involved a claim must be filed within six (6) months, if it is a medical malpractice claim then suit within three (3) years of the date of the malpractice but not more than one (1) year from the date the claim was or should have been discovered.  There are many time rules and exceptions so if you were injured its best to consult with an injury lawyer right away!  The above is provided only as a general guideline, each case is different and you are advised to consult with a qualified injury lawyer as soon as possible after any injury accident.

Throughout this pandemic, our California personal injury and wrongful death law offices continue to take new car accident, truck accident, motorcycle accident, pedestrian accident and dog bite injury cases that occurred anywhere in Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley and California.

UPDATE:  This morning the Los Angeles Times reported as its lead article that the Covid19 surge in California has been spurred by these two (2) causes:   the re-opening of the California economy, which may include the opening of dine-in restaurants and other businesses, allowing the coronavirus to spread, especially among low-wage earners, including Hispanic workers, some of whose employers have been accused of not following the announced infection control rules, and many large summer celebrations by younger adults, including the recent YouTube star Jake Paul gathering in Calabasas (reportedly followed by an FBI / SWAT team raid executing a search warrant, with officers carrying weapons from the home) and USC fraternities linked to over 45 cases.

California health officials warn that some wild parties and other large social gatherings like weddings, birthday parties and other celebrations may threaten the progress California has been making.

California Personal Injury Lawsuit Timeline--How Long Will My Case Take?

California Personal Injury Lawsuit Timeline–How Long Will My Case Take?

If you have been injured in an accident caused by the negligence or intentional wrong acts of another person or party, you have a right to be compensated for the costs and losses associated with your injuries. You can receive this compensation by bringing a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible person or party.

Personal Injury Lawsuit Timeline


Celebrity Tattoo Artist Enters Plea for DUI Crash That Killed YouTube Star

Earlier this year, celebrity tattoo artist Daniel Joseph Silva caused a deadly crash after driving under the influence. Silva, known for his appearance on the reality T.V. show “Ink Master,” was driving his McLaren at high speeds when he lost control of the vehicle. The vehicle flew off the road and crashed into a stop sign.

The passenger in the car was 25-year-old YouTube star Corey La Barrie. He was rushed to the hospital, where he died from his injuries. Because Silva was under the influence of alcohol when the crash occurred, he faced criminal charges for La Barrie’s death. KTLA News reported that Silva entered a no contest plea “to one count of gross vehicular manslaughter…[and] no faces up to four years in prison…”

How to Maximize Your Personal Injury Payout

How to Maximize Your Personal Injury Payout

Depending on the nature of your accident, personal injury cases can be worth a lot of much-needed money for a victim and their family. With a single trip to the ER costing upwards of $10,000 victims of Los Angeles personal injuries often spiral into debt in the weeks and months following their accident. If someone or something played a role in your accident and injuries, the good news is that you can file a personal injury lawsuit with the talented team of lawyers at Walch Law firm and get this money back, and more.

Here are the top three things you can do to maximize your personal injury payout:

Staying Safe on the Fourth of July

Staying Safe on the Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is just around the corner. While the current COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic may change how you celebrate in some ways, it is likely that barbecues, fireworks, and drinking will still be a part of the holiday.

Because of the celebrations on the Fourth of July, it is always a fun holiday. However, it is important to remember that it is also possible to get hurt on this holiday. To stay safe and avoid personal injuries this Fourth of July, consider taking the following precautions:

Head-on Lakeview Collision Kills Young Driver

Head-on Lakeview Collision Kills Young Driver

Recently, the Press Enterprise reported about a head-on collision in Lakeview that resulted in the death of a 24-year-old man from Norco. The collision occurred early in the morning, just after 4:30 a.m. A Toyota Corolla and a Ford F-150 collided head-on which sent both cars flying off the road.

The driver of the Corolla, 24-year-old Alejandro Corrales, was pronounced dead at the scene. The other driver, of the F-150, did not sustain injuries in the accident. Now authorities are looking into what may have caused this deadly head-on collision.

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