PERSONAL INJURY LAW for OVER 45 YEARS! We Have Won Over 98% of Our Cases*

All lanes of the Ventura 101 Freeway located in Encino will close for approximately 12 hours, from about 10pm Saturday evening to about 10am Sunday morning from White Oak Avenue to Balboa Boulevard, according to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

This one-mile stretch of the Ventura 101 Freeway crossing Encino will close for approximately 12 hours while construction crews demolish a pedestrian overpass that is considered too close or low to the Ventura Freeway.

In fact, one reason for this bridge demolition is to prevent taller vehicles from hitting this overpass, which reportedly has occurred in recent years.  That obviously creates an unreasonable risk of harm and an unsafe and dangerous condition, exposing those government entities involved to exposure for huge monetary claims and lawsuits, including for personal injuries, wrongful death and property damage, both physical property damage and diminished value.

Average Settlement Amount of Los Angeles Hernia Mesh Lawsuit?

Surgical meshes used to repair hernias have been around since the late 1800s. This means that overall, the repair of hernias using mesh products is quite common globally, as far as routine surgical procedures are concerned. Fortunately, the research opportunities have grown around the use of hernial meshes, and many new advances have been added to the use of surgical mesh for hernial repairs. But there are also still many major complications related to the use of hernia mesh products, which may necessitate initiating a Los Angeles hernia mesh lawsuit. These complications usually occur after the surgery is completed, and can include:

  • Infections

Ethicon Hernia Mesh Products

The repair of an abdominal hernia is a commonly performed operation in our country. When done correctly, it can be a life-changing relief; but when done incorrectly or using a bad hernia mesh product, the results can be devastating, painful and very expensive. A hernia happens when there is any amount of internal tissue that starts to bulge out of the lower abdomen, escaping in openings around the muscles. This nodule can break free from the abdominal wall, and can develop a hernia quite easily. Hernias can develop in several areas, including:

  • Groin (inguinal)

3 Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Mistakes to Avoid

A hernia is a painful event, that once diagnosed needs to be repaired sooner than later. Once your hernia is repaired with a hernia mesh, you are not out of the woods. If the hernia mesh is improperly implanted or has a manufacturing defect, then you can suffer several different types of infections, complications or issues with the hernia mesh that can directly negatively impact your physical health. If you are interested in initiating a hernia mesh lawsuit, there are going to be three mistakes that you want to take care to avoid. These mistakes are: Not having a cause of action, assuming your settlement will include punitive damages, or thinking you are ineligible to file for a hernia mesh lawsuit because your revision surgical procedure did work.

Not Having a Cause of Action

Common Los Angeles Hernia Mesh Injuries?

If you have ever heard of a condition called a hernia or had one yourself, you understand that it is a painful condition that does deserve urgent medical attention. Hernias are ultra-common diseases, whereby there is a protrusion of the intestines, abdominal fatty substances, or the urinary bladder that come out of a weakness or opening in muscles lining the abdomen wall.

When you go to the doctor for an annual physical or when you do suspect that you have a hernia, that is when it will be diagnosed. It is usually found by your primary care provider by feeling the skin, to reveal either an anatomical defect or a definite connective tissue disorder. Hernias don’t often happen as the usual result of one event, but rather become a multifactor process where an anatomical weakness, defects and a possible increase in abdominal pressure make the perfect conditions to harbor a hernia defect.

Your hernia mesh lawsuit will be worth an amount that is going to be equal to your pain and suffering, as well as the compilation of your personal injuries, resulting from the hernial mesh claim. There is no one barometer that will decide the value or worth of your hernia mesh lawsuit.

Everything needs to be considered when you are bringing an action at law for personal injuries sustained from a hernia mesh surgery, and it will include your:

  • Pain and suffering

Rules and laws exist to limit the amount of time that you can legally file a claim for monetary recovery in all states. This is called the Statute of Limitations, and courts take these limits quite literally in regard to filing an action at law for damages, losses or personal injuries.

The Statute of Limitations for filing a personal injury action in the State of California is two years. This notes that if you have been injured by a hernia mesh surgical procedure, then you have 2 years from the date of the surgery to file an action at law for recovery on that claim.

If you did not discover the injuries related to the surgical implantation of a hernia mesh right away, then you have 1 year from the time that the injuries related to the surgery to file a case related to your personal injuries. In some cases, if there is negligence regarding your personal injury claim, you may then have up to three years to file a claim at law for personal injuries related to the diagnosis of your case.

How Do I Find the Best Hernia Mesh Law Firm?

If you have been injured by a hernia mesh surgical procedure, then you will want to find a hernia mesh law firm with attorneys who understand the process, protocols and pitfalls that can be associated with this type of surgery. In fact, hernia mesh surgeries are a highly skilled surgery, and there are several different varieties of meshes that can be applicable to a plethora of patient hernia scenarios.

The attorneys that you choose to represent you in this type of case need to understand what they are working with: and that can be complex. The attorneys that you choose to represent you for your hernia mesh case need to know and comprehend:

Some Honda Civic owners have reported problems related to their lane departure assist system also known as the Honda Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS). For example, according to the website, the owner of one 2022 Honda Civic reported the lane centering/keeping feature began pulling the vehicle sharply to the right side of the lane causing the lane departure warning system to shake the steering wheel, this occurring on or about June 13, 2022, with just over 600 miles on the Honda Civic vehicle.

Another driver said in a complaint on March 16, 2022, that their 2022 Honda Civic pulled out of the lane instead of steering the vehicle in the lane. The driver stated s/he provided Honda with video and picture evidence and that the automaker couldn’t do anything to fix the problem. This individual said s/he are no longer comfortable using those features and that s/he don’t feel safe driving the vehicle while those assist features are engaged.

Obviously, these vehicle owners should not be using those apparently unsafe purported safety features, although they relied upon them and were charged for them by Honda.   Further if you were involved in any injury accident involving the Honda lane assist feature, please contact us now for an absolutely FREE consultation.

George Lammon, a 52 year old resident of Twenty-nine Palms, California, was reportedly struck and tragically killed in Palm Springs by a vehicle on May 22, 2022, at about 4:12 am.

The pedestrian vs vehicle wrongful death collision occurred at the 800 block of North Sunrise Way in Palm Springs, California.

The Riverside County Fire Department arrived on the scene and reported this incident.

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