The 101 Freeway, also known as the Hollywood Freeway, has the worst freeway commute time not just in Los Angeles or all of California, but in the entire United States. The Los Angeles Daily News, which should know as it covers the area in which the 101 Freeway runs, reported on July 27, 2016, that the stretch of the 101 Freeway from Woodland Hills to Downtown Los Angeles is the most packed highway in the USA. That means it is the highway with the worst commute time.
It will not get any argument from our law offices as this just happens to be the same route the lawyers in our law offices have used for many years when driving to the main Los Angeles courthouse (central district) located in downtown Los Angeles and also to many depositions and mediations often held in downtown Los Angeles where many attorneys working for large insurance companies have their offices.
The Auto Insurance Center compiled data from the United States Census and came up with the following: