International soccer star, David Beckham, who currently plays for the Los Angeles Galaxy soccer team, has been accused of driving recklessly and speeding when he rear ended a stopped car in Los Angeles, California. The rear end car accident occurred on the 405 freeway, also known as the San Diego freeway.
The driver of the vehicle rear ended in Los Angeles by Beckham’s Cadillac was taken to a local hospital, while Beckham, and his son Brooklyn, 12 years old, who was a passenger with Beckham, did not report any injuries. The extent of the injuries to the rear ended driver is not currently known.
According to British tabloid, The Sun, witnesses are said to have told police that Beckham was speeding, driving recklessly and speeding in and out of lanes in his Cadillac before causing the car accident in Los Angeles. While it does not appear that Beckham has been charged with any crime, the Traffic Collision Report (also known as the Police Report) should indicate if Beckham was cited for any violations of the law.
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