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What Does It Mean to Be Partially or Fully Disabled from a Los Angeles Roundup Cancer Claim?

What Does It Mean to Be Partially or Fully Disabled from a Roundup Cancer Claim?

Being disabled from an exposure to Roundup chemicals is a difficult situation for anyone to get over. If you have worked all your life and then became disabled from acquiring cancer from Roundup hazardous chemicals, we understand your frustration and anger over the situation.

The term disability is a relative term that can mean different definitions in various contexts. For example, you can be considered disabled in terms of being able to go to work at your current job or future jobs, but you may not be considered “disabled” in terms of a social security or workers’ compensation claim. Here are some general definitions of disability:1

  • Full Disability – Social Security status of a full disability means you cannot work at your current job or find a new job because of a recent disability that will probably last one year or longer.
  • Long-Term Disability – Your job may note you as being in a long-term disability status if you are unable to return to your full duties at work, or if you cannot perform the usual duties at your current job. You may still be able to perform your daily duties at home or to care for your family but may not be able to your work as you used to in the workplace. Your employer may or may not pay for your time off of work for long-term disability status, depending on the job.
  • Workers’ Compensation – Your employer may pay workers’ compensation if you are injured as a long-term disability employee who was injured on the job. That means that you were injured while on the clock performing your regular job duties and responsibilities. You may or may not be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits depending on the prior agreement of employment you have with your employer.

If the status and designation of being “disabled” or having a disability seems confusing, we understand how you might feel trying to sort out your status of being disabled on account of acquiring a cancer from Roundup exposure. This is the reason that you need to call us at the Walch law firm, to talk about your status as a disabled worker, and to get the full amount of recovery compensation as relates to your personal injury claim. You can give us a call today to talk to a knowledgeable Los Angeles Roundup lawyer at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792.

Your Uncompensated Medical Bills Will Be a Big Burden to You from a Roundup Cancer Diagnosis

If you have been exposed to Roundup and have developed a Roundup cancer, your medical bills might be enough to “break the bank.” No one expects to get cancer from a Roundup exposure, and for that reason you will never see the big medical bills coming from that devastating diagnosis. When you have high medical costs and uncompensated work days, you may fall behind in your bills and be left in a devastating situation financially because of time lost from work.1

You need to get advice from the best Los Angeles Roundup lawyer by calling us at the Walch law firm at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792. We are here when you need us the most and when you have questions regarding the worth, value or settlement procedures related to a Roundup cancer lawsuit. Just call the best Los Angeles Roundup legal team to talk about your personal injury claim and all case concerns. We are available to take your call at Walch law, and you can call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792.


1Yang, L., Branscum, A., Smit, E., Dreher, D., Howard, K., & Kincl, L. (2020). Work-related injuries and illnesses and their association with hour of work: Analysis of the Oregon construction industry in the US using workers’ compensation accepted disabling claims, 2007-2013. Journal of occupational health, 62(1), e12118.



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