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What Are the Top Three Things You Need to Know About a Los Angeles Roundup Cancer Lawsuit?

What Are the Top Three Things You Need to Know About a Los Angeles Roundup Cancer Lawsuit?

There are three things that you need to remember and understand about a Roundup lawsuit. These top factors will be reviewed here for your edification. If you have other questions regarding how to start and initiate a lawsuit based on personal injuries from Roundup, you can call us today to talk to a Los Angeles Roundup lawyer at Walch law at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792. Once you give us a call you will be in good hands with a top Los Angeles Roundup law firm with a knowledgeable team ready to help you with your Roundup personal injury claim.

First Understand That the Glyphosates in Roundup Are Dangerous to Human Fetal Cells

The glyphosates in Roundup are found to be continually hazardous to humans. Studies show that glyphosates also harmfully affect human placental and reproductive systems in your body.1 If you are a pregnant woman who is accidentally exposed to Roundup chemicals, you run the high risk of the chemicals in the herbicide Roundup detrimentally affecting your unborn child. This can mean that you will have no knowledge or control regarding any birth defects that your child may incur, based on the exposure to Roundup toxins. If this has happened to you, all you need to do now is to call us to review your claim on a contingency fee basis. We can help you with all aspects of your claim, but you must call us today to start the ball rolling on a monetary recovery for your personal injuries from Roundup exposure.

Second Know that Roundup Can Detrimentally Affect the Development of a Baby

This means that exposure to Roundup can affect you and your baby in a detrimental way. Technically speaking, Roundup disrupts human placental cells after only 18 hours and can adversely affect the aromatase gene expression of the human cell causing abnormal cellular structures that can lead to diseases, cancers and organ failures over time.1 For this reason, even if you have a small amount of exposure to Roundup, you need to be tested and checked because your later claim of a birth defect to your child will be based on your exposure today of Roundup toxins.

You can and should keep copious records of your blood and urine levels of glyphosates and Roundup chemicals in your body. This will be the proof that you need later to show that you were exposed to Roundup and that it potentially harmed you and your unborn baby.

Third Understand that Roundup is a Major Endocrine System Disruptor in the Human Body

Roundup is considered an endocrine disruptor, which can affect many different structures in the human body, and eventually cause death to humans exposed to these harsh chemicals. If you for example develop endocrine disrupting chronic diseases after your exposure to Roundup, the exposure may have triggered those diseases in you on account of the high level of toxins in Roundup. When this happens, you can call us immediately to review your personal injury claim today.

Calling a Winning Los Angeles RoundUp Law Firm Near You NOW! Walch Law Firm is Ready to Get Started Today

We are here for you when you are ready to start your Roundup personal injury claim. All that you need to do to start the process is to make the call to our legal team. We are here when you have questions regarding the worth, value or settlement procedures related to a Roundup cancer lawsuit. Don’t wait and don’t hesitate to talk about your concerns with our legal team. We are available to take your call at Walch law, and you can call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792.


1Richard, S., Moslemi, S., Sipahutar, H., Benachour, N., & Seralini, G. E. (2005). Differential effects of glyphosate and roundup on human placental cells and aromatase. Environmental Health Perspectives113(6), 716–720.

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