Many People Are Accidentally Poisoned by Roundup and Glyphosates Today You can be accidentally poisoned by Roundup and glyphosates quite easily, if you are anywhere in the vicinity of where these dangerous chemicals are being administered and used in outdoor applications. Roundup is commonly used as an herbicide to manage…
California Personal Injury Lawyers Blog
How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Ventral Hernia Mesh Surgical Procedure?
How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Ventral Hernia Mesh Surgical Procedure? Ventral hernia repairs are usually performed with an open or a laparoscopic surgical procedure. This can shorten the recovery time of the person getting the procedure, to allow the person to get back to the normal…
Are Los Angeles Hernia Meshes Used Equally on Men and Women for Hernia Repair Procedures?
Are Los Angeles Hernia Meshes Used Equally on Men and Women for Hernia Repair Procedures? Hernias that occur in the groin area can affect men and women, although it is more common that a hernia affects men. If a woman has an inguinal hernia, the way to diagnosis it is…
How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Ventral Hernia Mesh Surgical Procedure?
How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Ventral Hernia Mesh Surgical Procedure? Ventral hernia repairs are usually performed with an open or a laparoscopic surgical procedure. This can shorten the recovery time of the person getting the procedure, to allow the person to get back to the normal…
According to ABC news, a fatal truck accident collision occurred in the early, dark hours on the San Diego (405) Freeway on Thursday morning, September 21, 2023. Apparently a small VW Bug slammed into the rear of a large semi-truck, either in the right lane or right shoulder area of…
Does the Type of Hernia Mesh Matter that is Used in a Hernia Repair Surgery?
Does the Type of Hernia Mesh Matter that is Used in a Hernia Repair Surgery? How Does the Weight of a Hernia Mesh Affect the Patient After the Surgery for an Open Ventral Hernia Repair? The most common hernia meshes used for an open ventral hernia repair are the medium-weight…
Why Does the Implantation of Hernia Mesh to Repair a Hernia Cause Nausea?
Why Does the Implantation of Hernia Mesh to Repair a Hernia Cause Nausea? Yes, it is possible that the implantation of a hernia mesh to repair a hernia can cause you to experience nausea after the operation. Nausea can turn into a chronic condition for some people, who have a…
Can a Hernia Mesh Cause Migrating Headaches?
Can a Hernia Mesh Cause Migrating Headaches? Yes, in some cases the hernia mesh implanted to repair your hernia can cause migrating headaches. Oftentimes it can be the case that the hernia mesh chosen to repair your hernia is not getting along well with your system, or that the hernia…
Why Is Roundup a Serious Environmental Hazard for Humans?
Why Is Roundup a Serious Environmental Hazard for Humans? Monsanto Roundup is a pesticide that uses an active ingredient called glyphosate, that is shown to be carcinogenic to humans. The glyphosate chemical can stay in the environment for days, months or even years, creating a health hazard for people exposed…
Why Does Using Roundup Increase Your Cancer Risks?
Why Does Using Roundup Increase Your Cancer Risks? The use of the weedkiller Roundup can increase your risks of developing cancers. When Roundup is used in the soil to kill weeds around a home garden, or weeds around crops in the farmer’s fields, the residuals of the dangerous chemicals in…