
PERSONAL INJURY LAW for OVER 45 YEARS! We Have Won Over 98% of Our Cases*

California Personal Injury Lawyers Blog


Does Glyphosate Detrimentally Affect the Nervous System in Humans?

Does Glyphosate Detrimentally Affect the Nervous System in Humans? Yes, Glyphosate Is a Detrimental Chemical to the Human Nervous System The herbicide Roundup uses the chemical glyphosate, which is a strong toxin to the human body. It affects the human central nervous system, and can cause cancers, complications and other…


Why Do Hernia Repair Surgeries Trigger Depression After the Hernia Repair Surgery?

Why Do Hernia Repair Surgeries Trigger Depression After the Hernia Repair Surgery?   People Develop Depression after a Hernia Repair Surgery When It All Goes Downhill on Recovery Hernia repair surgeries are common procedures, and most people in the United States have either had this surgery themselves or know someone…


Largest Roundup Lawsuit Payouts

How much is your RoundUp lawsuit potentially worth? A lot. Largest Roundup Lawsuit Payouts Roundup lawsuits are still in full swing and are paying out astronomical monetary settlements on account of class action lawsuits being filed against Roundup manufacturers. Monsanto and Bayer manufacture Roundup herbicide weedkiller, and it has begun…


Recent Result: $100,000 For “Minor” Riverside Truck Accident

Our California personal injury lawyers were referred a case from a lawyer in Texas who attempted to handle a Riverside freeway truck accident, where one truck side swiped another truck. The client originally hired a law firm in Texas as he lives in Texas and received his medical treatment there.…


Recent Result: Policy Limits for Beverly Hills Car Accident

Our California personal injury law firm has been handling serious injury and wrongful death cases for over 45 years. We have gotten many results over $1,000,000.00 for our clients and have helped thousands of injury victims and the families of wrongful death victims get the justice that they deserve. Sometimes…


Recent Result: $550,000 Riverside Car Accident Injury Settlement

Mediation is a very important tool for resolving California car accident injury and wrongful death claims. Recently, we settled a Riverside rear end car accident injury claim at mediation for $550,000. Robert Walch was the attorney handling this matter in our firm. We used an experienced former judge as our…

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