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Is Using Roundup on the Job Without Personal Protection Increasing Your Risk of Cancer?

Is Using Roundup on the Job Without Personal Protection Increasing Your Risk of Cancer?

First of all, no one advocates for people not using personal protection when applying Roundup in landscaping or environmental conditions. But think about it carefully, if you are using Roundup and the dangerous glyphosate chemicals associated with Roundup outside to kill weeds on a property without personal protection, it is going to be a recipe for disaster on all counts. People may not realize when they are hired to perform outside maintenance, weed control or landscaping that they are using Roundup products and that these dangerous chemicals are carcinogens causing cancer to humans.

If you don’t know then you are now being warned that your use of Roundup chemicals without personal protective equipment can cause cancers in your body from the exposure to glyphosate the active ingredient in Roundup. In the case of an accidental exposure to glyphosate that caused cancer in your body, you need to talk to an attorney immediately. You can call the best Roundup law firm in Los Angeles now, and we will review your claim. Just contact us at the Law Offices of Gary K. Walch and call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792. We can answer your questions regarding your Roundup cancer claim and review your case together right now.

How Can You Be Exposed to Cancers with No Protective Clothing Using Roundup Products?

It is easy to be exposed to cancer when you apply Roundup weedkiller and herbicidal treatments on outside applications. One main way that you can be exposed to the harmful chemicals in Roundup are through your mouth. If you are not using protective masks when you apply glyphosates, the chemicals can be blown back into your face. This can affect your eyes, skin and your mouth, where you can accidentally ingest glyphosate from your mouth being affected by the chemical exposure. If you apply Roundup outside on a windy, rainy or other day with inclement weather, the wind can blow the Roundup back towards your face. When this happens, as soon as you open your mouth, you might accidentally ingest Roundup into your body. This can be a scary time for you if you are in this situation. You can call the Los Angeles Roundup law firm to review your personal injury claim today. We will talk you through the next steps to initiate a lawsuit based on the merits of your claim.

What Biomarkers Are Used to Show that Glyphosate Is Accumulated in the Human Body?

Studies have shown that the glyphosate in Roundup is accumulated in the human body once ingested in the mouth, even if there is an accidental ingestion event (such as wind blowing the Roundup back to you and you licking your lips). Therefore, it is shown that glyphosates can be measured in a person by taking samples of the person’s urine and determining the human elimination half-life in a person’s body.1 Remember, glyphosates are dangerous chemicals not nutrients for the human body. These chemicals are excreted by the body, but they can accumulate in your body too, which can produce cancers over time. If your urine is tested and it has high levels of glyphosate, there is a strong chance that you were exposed to the chemicals in Roundup and that exposure can over time result in cancer because of this exposure.

You Will Be Better Safe Than Sorry and Need to Call the Best Roundup Lawyer in Los Angeles for Your Roundup Personal Injury Claim

Call us today if you have accumulated glyphosate in your urine and it has developed into a cancer. If you have questions regarding the worth, value or settlement procedures related to a Roundup cancer lawsuit, you need to call our law office today to talk about your concerns. At Walch Law we know how to get maximum compensation for RoundUp lawsuits— money you deserve at no cost to you! CALL NOW at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792.


1Zoller, O., Rhyn, P., Zarn, J. A., & Dudler, V. (2020). Urine glyphosate level as a quantitative biomarker of oral exposure. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 228, 113526.


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