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Does Glyphosate Detrimentally Affect the Nervous System in Humans?

Does Glyphosate Detrimentally Affect the Nervous System in Humans?

Yes, Glyphosate Is a Detrimental Chemical to the Human Nervous System

The herbicide Roundup uses the chemical glyphosate, which is a strong toxin to the human body. It affects the human central nervous system, and can cause cancers, complications and other breakdown in bodily functions with exposure to glyphosate chemicals. Many people are exposed to glyphosate and don’t realize it, as it can be used in residential and commercial applications to kill weeds in outside environments. If you are exposed to glyphosate or Roundup, you might later develop a cancer or other problems related to serious illnesses on account of that exposure.

Glyphosate is a strong industrial strength herbicide that is used commercially and is available for residential application to weeds in the United States. Unfortunately, studies show that if you are exposed to glyphosate, you can experience nervous system deformities and problems. This means that your nervous system can be seriously affected by an exposure to glyphosate chemicals.1 If you have experienced an accidental exposure to Roundup chemicals that affected your nervous system, call our legal team today. Get in touch with some of the best Los Angeles RoundUp lawyers around- call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792. We take all our cases on a contingency fee basis so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by calling us now!

Glyphosate Is a Non-Selective Herbicide, Just What Does That Mean?

Herbicides are used globally to manage weeds and induce higher yields in crops and food products. A herbicide is meant to kill weeds and allow the crops to grow to their greatest potential, without having to fight for air, water and soil with the pesky weeds in the fields. This means that many farmers spray Roundup and other related products with the main ingredients of glyphosate to kill weed growth in their fields. The glyphosate chemicals are dangerous when inhaled or can be toxic to your system if it has made contact with your skin. This result is because of the hazardous nature of glyphosates in general. A glyphosate is a non-selective systemic biocide, which means it is meant to kill anything that it touches. It does not “select” only the weeds but has detrimental properties and is not meant for human consumption.

How Does the Chemical Glyphosate Ruin Your Nervous System?

Well, let’s start from the beginning to explain this one. Our nervous systems function in our body to help manage all organs and functions, to help us to walk, talk and do every daily task. Any time that your nervous system is off balance, you will experience other problems in your daily life. In general, your nervous system monitors everything in your body and you cannot function without it. The nervous system helps to:1

  • Gather sensory information inside and outside of your body
  • Send information about the world to your brain and spine to tell you how to be in the world
  • Process information from the brain and spine for integrated functions
  • Send critical information to the muscles and organs in order to manage the world and stay safe

Remember, your body is in the business to keep you healthy and safe and it is good at determining when there is something that is foreign in the body or detrimentally affecting your nervous system. When the body works to heal itself but is hampered by environmental forces in any way, the body works overtime to get the job done to make you healthy again. If you are exposed to toxic chemicals, and the exposure happens again over time, it may not give your body enough time to heal itself. In that case, you may be unable to repel the forces that will tear down your body systems over time and cause you to get seriously ill.

You can dial us today at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792, to discuss your claim for a lawsuit because of exposure to Roundup chemicals. If you have questions regarding the worth, value or settlement procedures related to a Roundup lawsuit, we are here to help. All that you need to do is to call our law office today to talk about your concerns. Don’t hesitate as we are in the business of helping you recover the compensation you deserve from this exact type of personal injury case we just discussed. We are available to take your call at the Law Offices of Gary K. Walch, and you can call us at 866-INJURY2 or 866-465-8792 and you can call us right now.


1Costas-Ferreira, C., Durán, R., & Faro, L. R. F. (2022). Toxic Effects of Glyphosate on the Nervous System: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(9), 4605.

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