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Articles Posted in Car Accidents


Australians design a human body meant to survive car accident deaths

A team of Australians, including an artist, a trauma surgeon and a crash investigator have designed a hypothetical human body that shows us what our bodies would have to evolve into in order to survive what would be fatal car accident injuries. As explained by, the evolved body would…


Tesla Autopilot Crash Kills Driver

According to Tesla Motors, a man was killed while driving his Tesla in Autopilot mode when his vehicle collided with the trailer portion of a tractor trailer. The National Highway Transportation Safety Administration is investigating the involvement of the Tesla Autopilot feature in the fatal truck accident. Tesla points out…


Recalled Jeep Grand Cherokee Rolls Into and Kills Star Trek Movie Actor Anton Yelchin

Star Trek movie star Anton Yelchin, the son of famous Russian figure skaters, Viktor Yelchin and Irina Korina, was killed Sunday in a tragic Studio City car accident, when his recalled 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokee allegedly rolled into him, pinning him against a brick pillar and security gate, fatally injuring…

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